Waiting for my Sunday morning TV News program, and catching the tail end of a "tele-evangelist" program:
The preacher declared that his (faith group) is the only one that would help get a person "saved", and therefore on the right path to Heaven.
Suppose, referring to the diagram, "X" represents Heaven, and "A", "B" and "C" are different faith-based organizations, whose final objective is to get to Heaven . According to "A", members in both "B" and "C" will not go to Heaven (they go to Hell). Similarly, "B" and "C" each makes the same claim about members in the other groups, i.e., the others will go to Hell.
So, does it not stand to reason that according to "A", "B" and "C", all of them ("B", "C" and "A", respectively,) will end up in Hell? This is certainly a very sobering thought, and not a good selling point when attempting to recruit a new member into the "faith-based group".
I read about this sometime ago. Conclusion: Everyone goes to hell. ;)
Hell is not so bad. You will meet all your friends there. Who wants to go to Heaven and be alone for all eternity?
But David, don't you want to go heaven where there is golf and your caddies are beautiful (maybe naked) women who will pamper you, jump at your every little requests and fancies!
The climate is as cool as NZ and the environment is clean and prestine!
Aren't that what we are always dreaming of?
Forget Hell! Go to Heaven! The only condition of course is that you do not have sins!
Robert Madang
In that case I had better go back and read everything that Anthony has written! He should start his own blog here and preach to the world.
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