Friday, June 01, 2007


Where besides Tanjong Lobang School could destiny be planned, shaped and fulfilled?

Where besides Tanjong Lobang School was there a will and skill to turn vision into reality?


Mabel Chiew said...

Hi S
How did you manage to make these photoes look so nice ? Were they coloured photoes originally??
Well done .

Limbang152M said...

They are digitized versions of 35mm color slides.

Unknown said...
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Robert Rizal Abdullah said...


It was a fantastic venture by all of you - making a canoe from a huge tree, with basic tools.

Armed with axes and parangs only, I couldn't imagine all the hours, days and months of hard works you all had put in!

That was a fantastic and unbelievable effort! Did you win any prizes at the Regatta?

Robert Madang

David Chin said...

I remember the boat actually sank at the Baram regatta.