We are all pursuing a common goal, even if we are reluctant to admit. We are thinking and behaving as we are, because we are only seeing and experiencing our respective sides of the pyramid. The other sides of the pyramid are equally relevant, although they may be different from our side - in look and feel.
The apex ... that should be the goal.
On each side of the pyramid, the scenery may be different, but the top point is the same one that is visible to all sides. We will never realize that we are indeed trying to reach that same summit, unless we acknowledge that there are climbable paths on the other sides as well.
In simple term, different religions are like the sides of a pyramid - each being differently landscaped but leading toward the same apex (God).
The pyramidal illustration and explanations on different religions in trying to reach the apex [God] are explicit.
“.. different religions are like the sides of a pyramid - each being differently landscaped but leading toward the same apex (God).”
Poking questions but not on serious note.
Question: How would you group each religion in or by each of the four triangular sides of the pyramid ? If each side represent one particular religion, the four sides are not enough unless many pyramids are used. When many pyramids are there are many apexes [= many gods].
Being Abrahamic- monotheism in nature, would you say that it is logical to put Judaism, Christianity and Islam on one side of the pyramid ? When each of the three is on one side, which religion can be on the fourth side? Can Christianity and Buddhism be on the same side while Islam and Hindu on another for example?
Anthony Belon
That's the beauty ... we can increase the number of sides. It then becomes "n-sided pyramid", where "n" is any finite number we choose, e.g., 10, 100, ...
The Old Guy
With so many religions sharing and scrambling up the pyramid to reach the apex, it would seem that the four-sided pryamid "becone" a cone-shaped pyramid. With "cone-shaped" pyramid, the landscapes upward become more "slippery" and narrower and narrower.It may be assumed that some might slip off before reaching the apex.
Exactly ... more religions, more confusion ("slippery surfaces").
The Old Guy
It looks like that only "spider-man" type of religious lots are able to make it to the apex.
For Christians, NOT by good deeds BUT by faith in Christ as God's Son, His works, assurances and God's saving grace. By this, it is not so slippery for faithful Christians to reach the apex.AMEN!!
Gob bless
I will see you all at the apex of the pyramid one day
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