Wednesday, July 27, 2011

God and Allah

Quran, Surah 29:46
"And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."
Would modern day Muslims and Christians accept this verse and agree that they both worship the same God (Allah)?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Adam and Eve

To all Creationists:

Did you ever wonder why Adam and Eve were "Adam and Eve"?
Listen to the an unrecorded conversation between Adam (A) and God (G) ...

A: I don't like my name anymore.
G: Why? I named you using the first character in the alphabet.

A: Then how come Eve's name didn't start with a "B"?
G: Well, I thought of "Beaver" but decided against it.

A: Why?
G: Then my first human creation may be known as "Beaver (A)dam".

A: OK. What's the name of a third human?
G: There is no third human yet.

A: If you say so.
G: I do say so. Eve is the second and only other human.

A: I still don't like my name.
G: Stop arguing. I named the woman "Eve" because it means preceding.

A: I don't get it.
G: Adam (first human) + Eve (second human) "precede" all other humans.

A: I feel slightly better, but I still want a better sounding name.
G: Your name is fine.

A: But "Eve" is a palindrome, and I want one too.
G: Like what?

A: Well, I will keep my original name, and just want to make it a palindrome.
G: Like what?

A: I want to add an "M" in front of name.
G: You want to be known as "MADAM"?

Needless to say Adam never got his wish, and the first humans were henceforth known as "Adam and Eve".

Have a wonderful day.